Core G3 薄型ATX開窗機殼前置兩個120mm排熱風扇,擁有高度擴充性,能支援ATX主機板並相容高階硬體,專為玩家或家庭娛樂使用而打造的理想機殼
NT$2,690.00 -
E-ATX full-tower chassis with one tempered glass window and four installation angle options.
NT$10,900.00 -
ATX mid-tower chassis with two tempered glass windows and a preinstalled 120mm rear fan.NT$2,190.00
Height-adjustable gaming desk with full surface mouse pad for professional gaming experiences.
NT$25,000.00 -
Internal USB port expansion with dedicated SATA power cable and built-in magnets.NT$1,290.00
為達到操控性與速度間的完美平衡,Level 20 RGB 電競滑鼠墊採用硬質及質地細緻表面,不論在玩何種遊戲均能提共滑鼠移動確實轉換為軌跡移動,享受終極的精準度。結合全彩炫光效果於四周側邊,由中央四射而出的繽紛色彩折射於桌面材質上,表現出簡單大方的美感,讓滑鼠墊不再單調乏味。NT$1,890.00
ATX mid-tower chassis with one tempered glass window and one preinstalled 120mm fan.NT$1,990.00
10 port PWM fan hub with direct SATA input and neat cable management
NT$999,999.00 -
Pacific Lumi Plus磁吸式LED燈條控制組內含三條可透過軟體控制的1680萬色RGB磁吸式LED燈條及一個數位燈光效果控制盒。NT$2,290.00
3 port LED hub for synchronizing Thermaltake addressable LED products with ASUS Aura Sync, GIGABYTE RGB Fusion and MSI Mystic Light Sync.
NT$750.00 -
Thermaltake Core P200 pedestal with full assembly concept, especially designed for the Core W200 chassis.
NT$0.00 -
ATX mid-tower chassis with one tempered glass window and one preinstalled 120mm fans.
NT$2,290.00 -
曜越Tt eSPORTS 『CONTOUR iOS專用藍芽無線手遊電競手把』,為蘋果官方認證且正式授權的行動裝置遊戲利器,搭配全方位控制器設計,大幅提升手遊喜好者在操控上的精準靈巧度,降低觸控螢幕可能帶來的延遲性,同時能讓雙手離開螢幕,獲得更清晰的遊戲視野品質,給予無受限的自在玩樂空間;此外,遊戲支援相容性表現上,只要有蘋果官方MFi認證皆能匹配,再加上搭載高效與可靠的鋰電池科技,提供長達十小時的電池遊戲戰鬥續航力,無論何時何地,擁有『CONTOUR iOS專用藍芽無線手遊電競手把』即可盡情享受遊戲臨場感且毫不設限的遊戲暢快感!NT$2,590.00