曜越TT Premium頂級版Riing Plus 12公分LED RGB水冷排風扇搭配專利1680萬絢麗LED導光圈和12顆可單獨控制的LED燈,色彩耀眼多變化。並擁有高風量扇葉設計提供最佳散熱效能,超長壽命液壓軸承及四角防震橡膠墊可有效降低風扇運轉時的噪音。使用者另可透過軟體操作數位風扇控制盒,輕鬆打造專屬自己特色的水冷散熱系統。
*此風扇只支援Riing Plus數位風扇控制盒

曜越TT Premium頂級版Riing Plus 12公分LED RGB水冷排風扇搭配專利1680萬絢麗LED導光圈和12顆可單獨控制的LED燈,色彩耀眼多變化。並擁有高風量扇葉設計提供最佳散熱效能,超長壽命液壓軸承及四角防震橡膠墊可有效降低風扇運轉時的噪音。使用者另透過軟體操作數位風扇控制盒,輕鬆打造專屬自己特色的水冷散熱系統。

曜越TT RGB Plus智能燈光控制生態系統結合專利 TT RGB PLUS智能軟體,可同步燈光效果,讓玩家打造系統色彩耀眼絢爛。LED燈光變化可隨著遊戲、音樂、CPU溫度或TT RGB PLUS產品,如:機殼風扇、CPU/VGA水冷頭、AIO
CPU散熱器、電源供應器和LED燈條而變換效果。玩家可選擇LED燈光模式、色彩模式、明亮度、風扇速度,並支援人工智能語音控制,可透過iOS和Android系統聲控LED燈光效果。TT RGB PLUS讓LED燈光效果超乎您的想像!

Monitor the fan performance, adjust the fan speeds, and customize the lighting effects for
Thermaltake Plus RGB
liquid cooling products with the patented TT RGB PLUS Software and an exclusively designed mobile
app. Choose a
function from below and scroll down to read the details.
Taiwan Patent: 105216989

- For desktop: Requires TT RGB PLUS Software 1.1.5 version or later.
- For iOS: Requires iOS 10.0 or later.
- For Android: Requires Android 6.0.0 or later with screen resolution 1920 x 1080.

Thermaltake AI Voice Control
Talking to TT RGB PLUS App is an easier, faster way to set lights for your systems. You can ask it
to turn
the lights on or off, switch lights modes, dim the lights, change light colors, or adjust lights
or fan speeds.
- For desktop: Requires TT RGB PLUS Software 1.1.5 version or later.
- For iOS: Requires iOS 10.0 or later.
- For Android: Requires Android 6.0.0 or later with screen resolution 1920 x 1080.

Conveniently control all devices and customize the lights at the same time by setting up to five profiles for each controller. Each controller your system connected is displayed at the top left of the interface for you to quickly access. Within each profile, you can check which device is set to what operating mode and lighting effect. You can even “SAVE” and apply the settings to other controllers your system is running.

專利設計LED導光圈,呈現1680萬色彩光學, 色澤變換明亮耀眼,為玩家打造與眾不同的獨特散熱系統。
台灣專利編號 : 105218791
中國專利編號 : ZL 201621469674.7

*建議最多只連接三個控制盒於一條peripheral線材( Molex大4pin)

液壓軸承擁有較大儲油空間並配有油封蓋,可減少潤滑油溢出, 同時減少摩擦降低噪音,維持高效轉速。

Fan Speed(standard)
Noise Level (standard)
Fan Speed(w/ Low Noise Mode)
Noise Level(w/ Low Noise Mode)


專利設計LED導光圈,呈現1680萬色彩光學, 色澤變換明亮耀眼,為玩家打造與眾不同的獨特散熱系統。
台灣專利編號 : 105218791

Conveniently control all devices and customize the lights at the same time by setting up to five profiles for each controller. Each controller your system connected is displayed at the top left of the interface for you to quickly access. Within each profile, you can check which device is set to what operating mode and lighting effect. You can even “SAVE” and apply the settings to other controllers your system is running.

Fan Speeds
Simply drag the slider bar to adjust your fan speed RPM on a dedicated control panel. The software is also included a number of preset fan modes that allow you to set the fans to ‘Silent Mode’ where the RPM performs between a 500 – 1500 RPM range, or ‘Performance Mode’ which operates and dynamically adjusts all the way up to 1500 RPM. Besides running at the optimal RPM range, you can customize the speed by disabling PWM.

Fan Alert
The software offers real-time fan warning alerts when performance operating issues have emerged. The control panel of the failed fan will be grey out, so you can quickly identify which fan is causing issues.

Color Palette
Immediately personalize your lighting with the recommended color palette. You can change colors and brightness for the LED light which features 16.8 million colors, or the built-in single LEDs where the lights can be adjusted individually. You also can let each LED display a specific color. Press “Color”, enter the decimal color coded, and then save it.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Copy Color– Seamlessly transfer lighting effects of the first fan across to other fans.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Full Lighted – A static lighting with your color choice, including RGB colors and single color.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Sound Control – Sync lights with your favorite music that is imported from your PC, and see how they react to the beat.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Flow – Directional RGB colored flow across the individual LED of the ring.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
RGB Spectrum – A seamless transition through the entire 16.8 million RGB color spectrum.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Ripple – Lights ripple out across the entire fan with your choice of 16.8 million colors.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Blink – Lights keep flashing on and off with single color or RGB colors.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Pulse – A slow fade in and fade out with your color choice.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Wave – A RGB wave flows across the entire fan.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes that allow you to switch between different lighting schemes along with three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and Off) and four “Light Speeds” (Slow, Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Cross – Lights flow in opposite directions with single color or RGB colors.
Make your CPU temperature visible, and track it easily. The software has a built-in temperature sensor that detects and displays changes in CPU temperature in real-time. The LED ring offers an additional visual cue. The color corresponds to the temperature, ranging from blue (CPU temperaure ≦ 40℃) to Red (CPU temperature ≧ 65℃).
液壓軸承擁有較大儲油空間並配有油封蓋,可減少潤滑油溢出, 同時減少摩擦降低噪音,維持高效轉速。

Fan Speed(standard)
Noise Level (standard)
Fan Speed(w/ Low Noise Mode)
Noise Level(w/ Low Noise Mode)


連動雷蛇 Chroma 幻彩
曜越 TT RGB PLUS 生態系列產品皆可連動雷蛇 Synapse 3 軟體系統,為您的 TT RGB PLUS 水冷散熱系統以及電競裝備帶來極致燈光效果體驗!
備註:需要安裝 TT RGB PLUS 軟體以啟用曜越 AI 語音控制、雷蛇 Chroma 幻彩與亞馬遜 Alexa 軟體。