Pacific W2 CPU Water Block Pacific W2 CPU Water Block Pacific W2 CPU Water Block Pacific W2 CPU Water Block Pacific W2 CPU Water Block Pacific W2 CPU Water Block Pacific W2 CPU Water Block
Pacific W2 CPU Water Block

Pacific W2 CPU Water Block



Pacific W2 CPU水冷頭

曜越Pacific W2 CPU水冷頭為理想DIY水冷系統配件,底部純銅製造搭配耐腐蝕處理,採用細密鰭片0.25mm微流道結構,優化熱傳導效能,有效達到CPU散熱效果,而通用扣具設計支援多數Intel和AMD腳位,提供玩家完整水冷系統體驗。

Tt LCS Certified

“Tt LCS Certified”水冷認證是曜越特地為專業級玩家打造高標準水冷等級的認證標誌設計,凡是經過曜越專業測試可相容的水冷散熱系統,皆會給予此認證標誌,我們的標準將會符合玩家對水冷系統的期待,並體現HARDCORE硬派極限風采的終極表現,“Tt LCS Certified”水冷認證確保曜越機箱具備優良散熱效能以及高度水冷擴充性能!


高品質Pacific W2水冷頭,純銅底部材質搭配耐腐蝕處理,拋光底部鏡面設計,有效防氧化抗腐蝕,達到優質熱傳導效能。


Pacific W2水冷頭擁有橘色、白色、綠色及藍色LED背光設計,方便玩家搭配系統內部顏色,打造專屬水冷散熱系統。

細密鰭片 微流道結構


簡易安裝 高度相容通用扣具



Thermaltake recommends the following steps to be taken before using the Pacific series radiators and water blocks

  • To ensure a clean loop, flush and rinse your radiators and water blocks with distilled water prior to use.
  • Do not use tap water or distilled water as your coolant, it may harm your loop and reduce performance.
  • It is strongly recommended to use market proven pre-mix coolant, such as Thermaltake Coolant 1000. It offers great performance while protecting the entire liquid loop from corrosion.
  • Before storing your water cooling components, please clean, rinse and dry. This will ensure a longer lifespan for your components.

Thermaltake recommends the following steps to be taken after completing your water loop setup

  • It is strongly recommended to use market proven pre-mix coolant, such as Thermaltake Coolant 1000. It offers great performance while preventing the entire cooling system – copper, brass, nickel, aluminum, and steel – from corrosion.
  • Fill the reservoir with coolant and cycle the power on and off several times while the pump pushing the coolant into the loop.
  • DO NOT let the pump run dry, when there is no liquid entering the pump turn off your power immediately
  • Fill the reservoir to the top as it will prevent air from going into the pump
  • If necessary tilt the system slightly from side to side to bleed the air out of the loop.
  • Place some paper towels under fittings and joining points to test for leaks.
  • Run the loop with the fill port open for about 24 hours to completely bleed the air out of the loop.



  • 請使用蒸餾水洗刷水冷排及水冷頭,以確保無雜質殘留。
  • 勿用自來水或蒸餾水做為水冷液使用,否則會影響水冷系統及降低散熱效能。
  • 強力建議使用市售水冷液,像是Thermaltake Coolant 1000,可有效抗腐蝕、抗鏽及不易燃特性,具有絕佳導熱性,提供優異散熱效能。
  • 務必清洗後晾乾再安裝,能夠延長水冷套件使用壽命。


  • 強力建議使用市售水冷液,像是Thermaltake Coolant 1000,可有效抗腐蝕、抗鏽及不易燃特性,具有絕佳導熱性,提供優異散熱效能。
  • 填充水冷液時,需搭配數次重覆啟動幫浦電源。此重覆開關動作,可利於將水冷液打入迴路中,並將空氣排出。
  • 切勿使幫浦空轉!若無水冷液時,請立即關掉水冷幫浦電源,避免幫浦損毀。
  • 從水箱上蓋注入水冷液可降低空氣進入幫浦的機率,延長幫浦使用壽命。
  • 為求排氣順暢,可些微傾斜系統以利空氣排出。
  • 測試是否漏水時,請在管接頭銜接處放置衛生紙或毛巾,以利確認漏水處。
  • 完成注水後,請打開水箱上方的注水塞,並讓水冷迴路持續循環24小時,能有效讓氣體排出水冷系統。
  • 正確完善清洗水冷系統,可防止色粉黏著於水管及系統內部。
  • 隨著時間越久,水冷顏色可能會產生淡化現象。
型號 CL-W027-CU00BL-A
尺寸 90.8 * 89 * 28.2 mm
重量 410 g
適用規格 Intel
LGA 2066/2011/ 1200/1156/1155/1151/1150/775
支援螺紋 G ¼”
材質 Copper + POM


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